Hillary Clinton Email Scam: Probe Blows Cover Off Massive Obama Plot to Promote Terrorism

The polls may look great right now for Hillary Clinton, but a deepening criminal investigation into her use of a private e-mail system while she was secretary of state underscores how fragile her lead really is.

What a crazy election season it’s been so far, and we are not even a quarter of the way through the first round yet.

Expect what you once considered “unthinkable” as an American to become the “ordinary”, as the campaigns on both sides continue to progress. Allow me to explain why the news about Barack and Hillary’s plot to promote terrorism should not come as a surprise to anyone.
In addition to all the allegations being levied against the President in a Drafted Resolution Consisting of 48 Separate Criminal Charges Drafted For Obama’s Impeachment, it should have been obvious to everyone over a week ago when the news originally broke that Obama Defied a Judge’s Order and Covered For Clinton. This act alone should have landed him in the slammer, especially since it is the third time Obama has defied a judge’s order. 

On Thursday, Fox News reported that multiple intelligence sources claim the FBI has broadened its probe into the former secretary of state’s potentially negligent handling of classified information. The nation’s top law-enforcement agency is now also investigating whether Clinton or her surrogates made “materially false” statements to federal officials regarding her private e-mail system. Those statements, or any evidence that Clinton pressured a third party as part of a cover-up, would constitute felony violations of U.S. Code Title 18, Section 1001. Each violation carries a five-year prison sentence.

At this point, it has been reported that everyone from Obama’s OWN APPOINTEE for Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, General Michael Flynn, to Four Star Navy Admiral Lyons, Lieutenant General Thomas McInerney, Former a CIA Director James Woolsey, and Former FBI assistant director James Kallstrom, have all gone on record either directly accusing Obama of treason or implying as much, and then tomorrow the RNC votes on whether to take up a Resolution Drafted For Obama’s Impeachment Consisting of 48 Separate Criminal Charges. So, tell me, if Obama wasn’t up to something horrible, why else would he be taking out Hillary, UNLESS he has a backup plan already in place! 

The revelation of an expanded FBI investigation comes on the heels of a Tuesday Politico story, which alleges that the FBI’s examination of Clinton’s retention of classified e-mails on an unsecured server has evolved from a preliminary inquiry into a “full-blown investigation.” The revelations illustrate the Clinton campaign’s continued vulnerability despite its recent polling surge. Ever since her top rival for the nomination, Vermont senator Bernie Sanders, refused to press her on the e-mail issue in last month’s Democratic debate, Clinton has seemed eager to put the controversy to bed for good.  
Hillary simply asks for the email to be printed, but doesn’t say anything about it via electronic correspondence.
So this begs the question of what OTHER unrest the State Department might be sparking in order to pressure others to do Hillary’s will.Ed Morrissey at Hot Air adds more interesting but frightening possible consequences to this email:
Gee, I wonder how many other foreign protests were facilitated by the State Department? Were any others sparked against American allies in that region? One has to wonder after reading this how much the State Department might have had to do with some of the “Arab Spring” protests, too. (In fact, at one point Pickering says that the effort must be “just like Tahrir Square,” a mention that might interest our allies in Egypt.) This e-mail thread doesn’t indicate whether Hillary took Pickering’s advice, but she certainly appeared to take it under advisement. And while the e-mail itself wasn’t classified, it’s yet another example of how these kinds of communications can harm American interests when transmitted in the open. This would be enough to create a massive backlash among our allies, and in fact may still do so.

Consider one mystery in light of this new information – why was Hillary so insistent the attack on Benghazi wasn’t coordinated, but just “some guys walking down the street who decided it’d be a good time to kill some Americans”? Now how long will it take for the left-loving media to actually get of their Obamas and ask Hillary about this? Don’t hold your breath. 
Note: This article is sourced from the internet and the copyright belongs to their respective owners.

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